HEALTH & FITNESS: Physical Activity Brings Benefits to Those With Cancer

As mentioned earlier, this blog is more than just about me or my team’s experiences and more in sports, health and fitness. Its a blog for the people, BY the people. And I’m pleased to share with you this amazing article by one of our readers, David Haas, on tips which would benefit our community as a whole. 🙂

Whether newly diagnosed with cancer, going through treatments, or in remission,
physical fitness can bring you many benefits. Those who have cancer often lose
their strength and energy, experience fatigue and weakness, and may also suffer
mental stress. A program of physical activity can help to improve how you feel
and relieve some of the effects of cancer treatments. It will not only give you a
boost of energy and a positive attitude, but it will also help you to feel mentally
and physically stronger and enable you to regain any of the physical functions
you may have lost.

Cancer patients should start out slowly with their physical fitness routine and
increase intensity as they can. This is especially true for those with certain types
of cancer, such as mesothelioma, which is a rare cancer in the lungs. The type
and amount of physical activity you can pursue also depends on other factors
such as age, treatments received, surgeries, and pain levels.

Go for a light run. No need to be so competitive.

Very little physical activity is better than none. Begin by simply sitting up and
moving your limbs (i.e. leg lifts, arm circles), walking short distances, or by doing
light stretches. Later on, try riding a bicycle, gardening, or swimming. Whatever
you decide, don’t overdo it and cause more harm than good. Your physician will
be able to advise you on what exercise is appropriate at your stage and amount
you should do.

Physical activity will help you recover from the effects of your cancer and cancer
treatment. It will also improve your overall health by reducing your risk of heart
disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, stroke, and more.
Exercise makes you a healthier individual even when in remission and will allow
you to enjoy your life more fully. 😀

Generally, having some great fun physical activity time with friends allows
you to enjoy your life more fully.

This article was written by David Haas. David is a cancer patient advocate who writes and researches for the betterment of others. He often blogs about programs and campaigns underway at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, as well as creative fitness ideas for those dealing with cancer, while creating relationships with similar organizations. Check out his personal blog HERE OR you can follow him on Twitter @HaasBlaag.